Does your company have a problem with listening?

  • Are your sales team more focused on their pitch rather than hearing your clients brief?

  • Do your staff complain about the leadership team not listening?

  • Is your HR team able to truly listen or are they worn out with the amount of questions they have to field?

Sanford Meisner’s acting technique is based around truly listening and then responding to what is being said. Now, that may sound incredibly simple in theory but not always easy in practice. It has a transformational effect on actors on stage, helping them become more authentic under imaginary circumstances. It can also have a huge impact on their daily lives in how they communicate with the people around them.

The corporate environment can sometimes be a place that has no time for listening…’we’re too busy right now…’, ‘this is what we’re going to tell our staff…’, ‘this is our party line…’. Feeling and being heard is a validation we all need in life none more so than in our professional lives.

If you’d like to have a fun but challenging experience learning a technique that will have an impact on your team and company as a whole, the Cambridge Meisner Studio will facilitate an interactive day tailored to your needs.

Let’s have a chat